Meeting With The Devil™ (2018)

The devil meets a human in a café shop to recruit him as his right man in his army, but the human answer to the devil’s proposal never crossed the devil’s mind.

Movie Details
Screenwriter/Producer: Asim Altokhais
Director: Theo Kim
Co-producer: Andy Hodgson
Genre: Action, supernatural, thriller, drama, horror.
Year: October 2018
Produced by 3rd action Films

Behind the Bentley’s Glass (2017)

One man is trying to solve the world’s problem while sitting with his friends in a café, but he realizes that all men are created equal. His emotions and imaginations take him to think out of the box on how to solve these problems if there’s any real solution to do.

Movie Details
Screenwriter/Producer: Asim Altokhais
Director: Oubada Merchali
Genre: Psychological, drama.
Year: 2017
Produced by 3rd action films